Symbols of Zodiac Signs

Symbols of Zodiac Signs

I recently posted some meanings for each of the 12 house divisions in a chart.
In the outer wheel of the chart are the symbols for the zodiac signs.
If you know the meanings of the signs, you can match them with the meanings of the houses.
You’ll notice that the houses don’t line up with the signs. The main sign for each house is the one in which the beginning line (cusp) sits. But you can also look at the other sign in the house.
For example, the left-hand end of the horizontal line (red in my charts) is the cusp of the 1st House, which describes you, how the world sees you.
If this is in the sign of Gemini ♊, you know that you (1st House) are curious, adaptable, talkative and like variety (Gemini).
The 2nd House cusp will most likely be in the following sign, Cancer ♋. So you may earn income (2nd House) in a job nurturing others, eg nurse (Cancer).
Here is a list of the SYMBOLS and some possible meanings of the SIGNS…….
Aries ♈ independent, adventurous, impatient
Taurus ♉ patient, reliable, slow
Gemini ♊ versatile, quick witted, changeable
Cancer ♋ sensitive, maternal, moody
Leo ♌ magnetic, optimistic, autocratic
Virgo ♍ analytical, industrious, fussy
Libra ♎ sociable, cooperative, gullible
Scorpio ♏ intense, determined, secretive
Sagittarius ♐ open minded, generous, tactless
Capricorn ♑ ambitious, disciplined, rigid
Aquarius ♒ humanitarian, progressive, eccentric
Pisces ♓ sensitive, compassionate, vague
Have fun with this. 🌞
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