

Natal Chart Interpretation – who you are, your life goals, home and family, education and communication, relationships, motivation, career, creativity and originality, challenges, purpose and joy.

Children – a guide to help parents and mentors support and encourage their children, and to provide them with as much love and joy as possible – looking at family, friends, talents, schooling, goals and their childhood journey.

Solar Return – annual forecast for your birthday year. Including the major theme for the year, personal matters, the year’s challenges and lessons.

Health and Wellbeing – your general temperament, emotional health, spiritual essence, vitality and energy, managing stress healing solutions.

Goddess – features mythology and astrological interpretations of 12 influential asteroid goddesses in your chart.

PRIVATE READINGS in person / phone / Zoom

More personal than the printed reports, using a variety of methods. Includes counselling.

Natal- $100

We examine your birth chart (calculated using date, place and time of birth) to see what energies were present at birth and stay with you for life.

How the energies affect you, and how you can use them positively to enhance your life. You have free will to choose what you do with your life.
You will gain insight into why you are how you are. You can transform your life with this knowledge.

Annual Forecast- $95 – each birthday year.

What you can expect to happen, when, and ways of dealing with it to utilise it to your full advantage. Being aware of the timing is very helpful.

Using lunar phase, solar return, transits, progressions, solar arc. Also ancient techniques of profection and firdaria, and some numerology.

1st Consultation- $160 – both natal and annual forecast are included.

Relationships- $190

Mostly used for Couples in a committed relationship or considering one. (Discover why you are attracted, what you each bring to a relationship, how to improve relating skills, endurability potential).
Parent – child
Business partnerships

It’s important to examine the charts of the individuals, to find strengths and weaknesses of each person in the relationship.

How the individuals interact with each other – synastry.

How the relationship functions as a separate unit – composite.

Horary- $45

An ancient method used in days before birth times were noted. A question of importance is asked, a chart for the time of the question provides the answer. Eg, Shall I buy this business? Would it be a good idea for me to start a relationship with this person?

Event Timing – $65

Finding an auspicious time to start something important, eg, a marriage, a business.

This involves creating a chart which will enhance whatever it is you want to carry out.