Tomorrow, 15th January in Australia, another planet joins Venus and Uranus which are already RETROGRADE urging us to turn within, and that’s MERCURY.

Do I hear you murmur “not Mercury retrograde again!”? True, it does go retrograde about three times a year, and like everything astrological, it has benefits.

When Mercury is in apparent backward motion, it’s actually moving more slowly, which enables us to slow down from the usual frantic pace of life and “smell the roses”. Or in practical terms, review and reassess our lives. Sure, we can’t “not live” our lives, but we can have a good look at how we’re doing it. It’s very likely we’ll notice things we’ve overlooked or misunderstood.

However, there are also things out of our control, such as delays in travel (ruled by Mercury), car or computer problems. But we can ensure we see to any repairs that need doing, backing up the computer etc.

Not only is retrograde Mercury slower, it’s also closer to Earth, giving us better access to it’s energy. Much better for concentration and clarity of mind, for example.

Some things to be vigilant about are double checking details, such as for appointments or documents (if possible delay signing until after 5th February when Mercury turns direct).

Some say scammers are more prevalent at this time (can they get any more prevalent?)

Mercury will be at 10 degrees Aquarius ♒ when it changes direction, moving back as far as 24 degrees Capricorn ♑. Can you find where this is in your chart? (Look for the symbols of the signs, usually in the outermost wheel of the chart.) This is the area of your life where you can be most effective at this time.

At the time Mercury is turning retrograde it is in a difficult square aspect to changeable Uranus, so we do need to be extra alert when driving.

Anxiety can result from not being certain and therefore changing our minds more often.

A few days later on Tuesday morning, 18th January, we have a FULL MOON at 28 degrees CANCER ♋.

Cancer is a Water sign, intensely emotional. Try to be sensitive to others’ feelings, which will be emphasized by the Moon’s difficult opposition to intense Pluto.

Pluto can also bring up things that are hidden or unconscious and help to purge stuff from the past.

With the Full Moon being square to rebellious Uranus, many people are feeling like outsiders.

May you remain patient, calm and kind. 🙏🌞💖

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